Friday, March 8, 2013

Tag your it

In the douche bag Capitol of north Idaho a Jane douche mis calculated the length of her car when she decided to stop on the crossing hell bent on making that left turn.  What this country douche failed to notice was the lights and bells and gates that protect the crossing were on and if she had looked to her left douche bag would have noticed the big ass train coming at her.  It was going to happen sooner or later in gooberville I mean douchebagville I mean Sandpoint.  For you see many of the inhabitants of this place are rude, angry hillbilly douche bags who are not afraid to let that middle finger fly.  Hey bubba do you use that same finger on your cousin.  Here is my take on this accident.  Jane douche was in a hurry since after she was done giving head in the local Wal Mart parking lot she realized that she was running late and had to get back to her trailer to cook dinner for Mr. Douche bag who spent a hard day drinking beer standing watch over the mailbox waiting for the government cheese to show up.  If she didn't have that tater tot casserole ready their would be a beating.  So with the fear of having a switch taken to her she by passed all the safety features at the crossing and was clipped by the train.  Her last words before the cops showed up were said to have been "insurance please help me not get my ass beat by my abusive husband now."