Sunday, January 22, 2012

That a 10-4 good Douche.

The first John Douche is out of all people a supposedly certified truck driver. 20 Jan 2012 about 10:00 in the morning just a little north of the Chilco Rd. crossing I think it was the Old hwy 95 crossing. Well this Douche bag decided in bad weather (there was about a foot of snow on the ground and it was slick) that hey I need to get these logs to the mill or I will not get my money so I can take my cousin out to the tavern tonight and get get her plowed so I can do some plowing. So we are five hundred feet from this JD and he decides to cross. Please miss a gear so you can spend the rest of your short ass life in agonizing pain and you can also look out the window of your trailer that you live in and see the crumpled twisted burnt out wreck of your rig sitting on the patch of turf you pass off for a front yard. It was a older red truck either a Peterbilt or Ken worth non self loader pulling a pup type trailer with a Darwin award candidate behind the wheel jammin' those gears.

Number two is either a Jane or John Douche (the windows were tinted). This amoeba decided that they needed to get home fast to watch some more reality TV. So at the Idaho Rd. Crossing in Post Falls on January 21, 2012 around 15:10 a silver / gold four door Honda Civic decided to run the crossing with us less than four hundred feet from them and the roads were slick to add. Actually the car did not decide to run the crossing it was the Douche behind the wheel or maybe it was some tool sitting in the back seat telling the douche to run the crossing. Please for gods sake do not and repeat do not BREED! This town does not need a bunch of kids walking in circles and running into walls and shit like that. One of these days luck will run out and natural selection will prevail.

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