Friday, July 4, 2014

Off grid old man douche.

About two months ago up in Bonners Ferry Idaho an I live off the fucking grid old man douche bag decided hey I do not like my Subaru outback anymore so I will wait for the next train to show park the car on the tracks get out and bing I get a new car.  Well the first part of the plan worked since the train hit the car and totally fucked it up.  It gets better when the cop shows up and gives the bat shit crazy old fucker a couple of tickets for no insurance and no registration.  There goes the idea of getting the insurance company to replace his car, but then again you have to have a functioning brain to have an idea.  Then the railroad decided hey we smell pussy so they jabbed a hard throbbing dick up old man douche ass by sending him a bill for the inconvenience and probably damage to the locomotive.  well the douche bag did get a new car, but it came out of his own pocket maybe he had to suck a lot of dick for a down payment.  Just remember if you think the railroad will buy you a new car for hitting your car when it was your fault then wouldn't every crossing be jam packed with the latest GM pos.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Small town douche

Well it happened again another power dildo behind the wheel of an 18 wheeler did not remember the length of his own rig.  So this douche bag crosses the crossing at the mill at Moyie which is north of Bonners Ferry and then stops thinking the truck is in the clear.  What brought this Cledus out of his deep thoughts of violating his drunk cousin at the local tavern later that evening was when a freight train took out his trailer.  So now he not only inconvenienced himself and the railroad he also inconvenienced the small hick town of Moyie when the train stopped and literally cut the town in half for at least three hours.  I wonder how many of the local mill workers were scratching their heads trying to figure out why their wifes cars were stuck on the other side of the tracks where the night shift workers live.